MomLife Ministries exists to provide a community for moms to grow in their faith and spiritual friendships.

“We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen…” The Nicene Creed.

Our Core Beliefs


God is the creator and sustainer of our world and our lives. He exists as one God in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is holy, perfect, and powerful.


Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man. He lived, died, and rose again to make peace between us and God the Father.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is mysterious yet alive and active in our world today. He makes us aware of our need for God, helps us live a life that pleases Him, and encourages us to trust in God.


Men and women are created in the image of God. However, we are separated from God because of our own pride and rebellion, which the Bible calls sin. We are completely unable to repair our relationship with God without his help. Because of our condition, we need God to rescue—to save—us from the consequences of our sin.


Because of our sin, we need God to rescue us. We cannot rescue or save ourselves. Through Jesus, God gives us his salvation based on mercy and grace rather than performance or effort.


God originally created the world to exist free of sin. When sin entered the world, things like death, pain, sorrow, injustice, and evil became our reality. However, God promises to one day restore Creation back to its good and sinless state. This restoration began with Jesus and will ultimately conclude when He returns.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s primary means of communication to us. It is divinely inspired, trustworthy, and the source of our essential beliefs. It is also an authoritative presence in our faith and practice.

The Christian Life

The Christian seeks to constantly grow in submission to God through his or her character, motivations, and actions. But growth does not make us more or less acceptable to God. God’s love for us, as chiefly shown through Jesus Christ, is what makes us acceptable to him. Obedience to God and his commands is a response to his great love for us rather than a way to merit it.


God wonderfully and beautifully created each human being as distinctly male or female. We believe the biblical definition of marriage is a sacred covenant between one biological male and one biological female. God's original design and intent for sex is a sacred gift between a husband and wife to be shared within the confines of the marriage covenant. We believe that because of the fall, all humanity struggles with sexual and relational brokenness; therefore, we will demonstrate love, patience, and compassion with one another as we strive towards holiness in these areas.

MomLife Ministries will teach, train, and equip moms based on these core beliefs. All MomLife Ministries speakers and teachers have agreed to our mission, values, and core beliefs. The use of speakers, teachers, and story-tellers for MomLife teachings and Gatherings does not imply MomLife Ministries’ endorsement of all writings, positions, and postings of speakers, teachers, and story-tellers or any other resources mentioned.

All partnering churches and independent MomLife tables will lead their group/moms under the specific values, beliefs, authority, and leadership of their individual church. Any speakers, teachers, or leaders used by partnering churches or independent MomLife tables are not representative of or endorsed by MomLife Ministries.