The Mission & Values of MomLife

MomLife Ministries provides gospel-centered content, training, and encouragement to help moms and churches build life-giving community.

The vision of MomLife Ministries is to see groups of moms in all ages and stages grow in their faith and spiritual friendships.

We are a multi-generational ministry built to encourage moms because we know that being a mom is messy, yet lovely in a very real way and we want to be on this journey together!

MomLife Ministries hopes to teach, equip, and encourage moms of all ages and stages to realize their purpose and value as mothers, wives, friends, workers, women, and leaders.

We believe all of this happens in relationship with Jesus and partnership with the local church.

The Heart of MomLife

We Want to Build Community

We need each other. We hope to help moms and churches build a welcoming and safe environment where moms can feel seen, cared for, loved, and spurred on toward Christ—whether in person or online. We invite moms in all seasons of life to build and strengthen spiritual friendships.

We Want to Develop Spiritual Friendships that Spur One Another On

We hope to create opportunities for moms to lead moms and set the stage for discipleship in a way that is approachable, practical, and attainable. We acknowledge that no experience or advice is perfect. That's why we desire to encourage and equip Table Moms and other leaders who simply want to invest in other moms—encouraging and spurring them on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24) through integrity, dignity, authentic humility, and kindness (Titus 2:3-5).

We Want to Move in a Spiritual Direction Together

We want to point our lives towards God regardless of where we come from, what we've done, or what we're facing. God loves us just as we are, but once God enters into our lives, he leads us further and further into his love—which causes us to change and desire to become more like Jesus. Even if it seems small, every step we take toward Jesus matters. 

We Want to be Practical

We hope to provide practical instruction that will equip moms to live out Biblical principles as mothers, wives, friends, workers, and leaders. We provide tools and resources to help build and strengthen relationships with Jesus and each other. We want moms to leave their time together feeling confident and able to take the next step in becoming the women God has created them to be.

We Want to be Women of Prayer

One of the greatest gifts of living in a community with other women is the privilege of praying and caring for one another, especially in life’s hard moments. Mom-life can be hard, isolating, confusing, and overwhelming at times—but we believe prayer changes things. We don’t have to go it alone. Scripture says we have a heavenly Father who is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). He draws near to us when we draw near to Him (James 4:8), and He longs for us to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17), present our requests and anxieties to Him (Philippians 4:6), and confess our sins to Him and one another so that we may be healed (James 5:16). Our merciful and gracious God cares for us personally and longs to commune with us in prayer.

We Want to be Kind to Each Other and Our Community

The heart of the Christian faith isn’t a list of rules or a set of beliefs—it’s kindness. God shows kindness to us through Jesus. He saves us and redeems us, even when we don’t deserve it. This kindness leads us to be kind to others. Just as God makes room for us, is gracious towards us, and shows us kindness, we want to help moms make room for other people, be gracious to them, and show them kindness, too.

The Hands of MomLife

Biblical Teaching

We will have a variety of speakers who will teach on topics like faith, spiritual practices, identity, purpose, relationships, and intentional parenting from a biblical foundation.

See our speakers page.

Spiritual Discussion and Friendships

There is something sweet about gathering with others and sharing coffee, snacks, and stories. Even if moms don’t physically meet around a table, we encourage a similar vision of what it’s like to gather around a table. This kind of fellowship is where our terms Table Mom, Table Discussion, and MomLife Table originate.

Creative Activities and Service Projects

These suit the needs, personalities, and culture of your individual MomLife group. If it’s helpful to create something with your hands to better understand teaching or principle, we’ll provide some ideas your church/table can use. We also encourage all churches/tables to choose a family or non-profit to serve throughout your MomLife season together. Local pregnancy centers, organizations that feed the hungry, or families in need of help from your home church are great examples. Personal and spiritual growth is ignited when we use our hands in creative service to others.

Practical Tools and Resources

We want to encourage the development of spiritual practices like prayer, Scripture reading and memorizing, service, and generosity. We will provide book, podcast, playlist, and article suggestions for when you want to go deeper in understanding and living out a particular topic.

Whatever your faith story or church home, you are welcome at MomLife.