Wholehearted Resources

MomLife Wholehearted Resources*

MomLife Journal

Specifically pages 1-12 about how to use your journal.

See momlife.org/extras for additional tools and helpful guidelines.

Complete Inventory #1 (p 13) about your current season of life.

MomLife Scripture Cards

Use these to meditate on and memorize scripture.

Leave them in a place where you regularly find yourself each day (in the car, bedside table, bathroom mirror, kitchen sink) to take a few moments to read and recite scripture regularly.

MomLife Family Conversation Cards

Engage in meaningful conversations with your family about faith.

Click HERE for additional Kid friendly links and resources.

*In general, we will recommend a few quick reads (articles), some longer reads (books or Bible studies), and quick listens (podcasts) from a variety of voices and sources that are available to the general public. But to get the year started, we want to be sure MomLife members know all about what the MomLife membership includes, especially the MomLife printed materials.

Loving God With Your Heart Resources

Quick Reads

The Heart Who Wanted to Be Whole [kids book] by Beth Guckenber

What Am I Feeling, What To Do With Worry?, and What Do I Do With Anger? [kids books] by Josh & Christi Straub

God’s Very Good Idea [kids book] by Trillia Newbell

Training Young Hearts: What Are Mouths, Hands, Ears, Eyes, Feet For? [kids board book series] by Abbey Wedgeworth

The Biggest Story Bible Storybook kids Bible -- also check out TheBiggestStory.com free VIDEOS and PRINTABLES and curriculum for families!

Quick Listens

 The MomLife Ministries Podcast! 

S2 / E1: New Season—Wholehearted 

S2 / E2: Wholeheartedly Showing Up, Holding Steady to Jesus 

S2 / E3: Wholehearted Delight in the Lord (release date Sept. 23)

How Can God Satisfy My Heart? by Phylicia Masonheimer (transcription HERE)

Knowing & Loving God podcast series with Journeywomen

Free Printable

The motivations, desires, and affections of our heart are often revealed through the way in which we spend days.

Take some time to evaluate where/how you spend your time. Ask the Lord to help you see how you can more fully submit your days to him. Ask him to help you think creatively about how you can create space for margin and rest as well as space to spend time with him so that you can point the motivations, desires, and affections of your heart toward him.


Download Time Inventory PDF
Note: Some of our recommendations use affiliate links. If you purchase something through these links, we may get an affiliate commission. These earnings go toward the general operation budget of our ministry, but will never affect your price or what we recommend.