What You Get with a MomLife Membership

Partner Registration for Independent Table Moms and Church Partners now open.

Participant registration for the 2024-25 MomLife season opens on Mother's Day, May 12! 

Sign up to be on the list to be the first to know all the details.

MomLife Ministries provides easy-to-use curriculum, encouragement, and practical resources to help groups of moms grow in their faith and spiritual friendships. MomLife is designed for moms to gather twice a month (August to May) to watch a teaching video, engage in discussion, and build life-giving community. Whether you just found out you are pregnant, you are an empty nester, or your motherhood journey is somewhere in between, MomLife is for you!


What You'll Get


MomLife offers easy-to-use curriculum that is adaptable for small or large groups of moms. With a MomLife membership, each leader and mom participant will have access to 9 months of gospel-centered teaching videos, discussion prompts, helpful printables, and recommended resources that go along with each topic. All of this is only available in the members area of momlife.org.

Every leader and mom participant will also receive printed materials including a MomLife Journal, Scripture Memory Cards, and Family Conversation Cards that will last the whole MomLife season. We want to provide you with practical tools to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. They aren't required homework, but are built to enhance your MomLife experience and personal growth.

Check out our past speakers.

2024-25 Theme: Wholehearted


MomLife moms meet in small groups called "tables." There’s something special about gathering around a table with friends and having good conversation. So whether moms meet around a physical table at a church, in a home or coffee shop, a metaphorical table through Zoom, or meet together outside at a park while kids play, we want moms to feel safe, seen, cared for, and spurred on toward Jesus through their MomLife community. Each table is led by a Table Mom who facilitates discussion and helps to build connections.


Ready to Join Us?

Step 1

Decide if you want to join a group or lead a group.

We have multiple locations to choose from as a participant. 
Learn more about leading as an Independent Table Mom or Church Partner
Step 2

Check out our theme for the 2024-25 MomLife season.

Wholehearted - Loving God: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Strength
2024-25 Theme Details
Step 3

Register and pay.

2024-25 leadership partner registration is open now through July 19 for Independent Table Moms and Church Partners
Participant registration will begin on Mother's Day, May 12, 2024.
Note: Participant pricing differs slightly depending on the MomLife location that you choose. Each location's registration page will have the specific details of their pricing.
Step 4

Mark your calendar for your first MomLife Gathering!

In general, most MomLife groups start meeting in late August or early September.

Hear more about what MomLife has meant to some of our moms:

“As a homeschool mom of three little girls, it has been hard to find a local, in-person Bible study that fits my schedule. Participating in the virtual MomLife group, I can listen to the teachings on my own time and meet with our virtual group after my girls are in bed. It has been a great way for me to keep learning and stay accountable during this season of my life.”

—Anna, Mom of 3 girls ages 7, 5 and 3 in New Jersey

“MomLife fills my soul! It’s one of the few times I allow myself to set the many tasks of motherhood aside to focus on my relationship with God. I may come in flustered, but I always leave with a renewed spirit through conversations with other mommas, Biblical truths, and fresh warm coffee.”

—Jen, Mom of kids ages 8, 5, and 2 in Kingston, TN

“I keep coming back to MomLife because it’s a group where I experience  women helping to take care of each other. It’s wonderful to hear from moms from so many walks of life and yet there is never anyone putting anyone else down even if the ideas aren’t quite the same. The overall theme is always about the love of Jesus— it makes me so happy to walk with all these fellow moms on this journey and learn from them and the teachings.”

—Anita, Empty Nester, Clarksville, TN

“I love MomLife because of how practically it fits into my busy schedule. I can do the video and the journal quickly and yet still feel so much benefit from it. But the real reason I keep coming back to MomLife is because of how encouraging the community is to me. Every time I show up, I am encouraged to keep pursuing what God has asked me to do.”

—Alicia, Mom of 3 boys ages 5, 3, and 5 months in Kirksville, MO

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